Thanks for these helpful suggestions.
These options don't work in my case because I don't know the individual
observations (the dots). A statistical agency collects the observations
and keeps them confidential. It provides the mean value and the standard
deviation, plus the fact that the observations are normally distributed.
So I have enough information to draw the distribution function. Mean
values and standard deviations are provided for several cases
(geographies). I can plot the mean values for all cases in a bar chart.
I can show the confidence intervals as I-beams, as in my example. But I
would prefer to show the confidence intervals as truncated bell curves,
referring to, say, 95% of the unseen observations.
On 2019-12-07 22:07, Ben Tupper wrote:> Hi,
> Would something like yarrr do the trick?
> Or gghalves?
> Cheers,
> Ben
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 9:32 PM <phil at> wrote:
>> I want to show little bell curves on my bar chart to illustrate the
>> confidence ranges. The following example from Paul Teetor's "R
>> Cookbook"
>> does what I want, but shows I-beams instead of bell curves. The
>> I-beams
>> suggest uniform, rather than normal distributions. So I am looking
>> for a
>> way to plot normal distribution curves instead.
>> # Example from Paul Teetor, "R Cookbook", page 238.
>> library(gplots)
>> attach(airquality)
>> heights <- tapply(Temp,Month,mean)
>> lower <- tapply(Temp,Month,function(v) t.test(v)$ [1][1])
>> upper <- tapply(Temp,Month,function(v) t.test(v)$ [1][2])
>> barplot2(heights, [2]=TRUE,ci.l=lower,ci.u=upper,
>> ylim=c(50,90),xpd=FALSE,
>> main="Mean Temp. By Month",
>> ylab="Temp (deg. F)")
>> Does anyone know a package that does this or, alternatively, can
>> anyone
>> suggest a direction to go in if one were to write R code to do this?
>> Philip
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> --
> Ben Tupper
> Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science
> West Boothbay Harbor, Maine
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