I have below lines of code to understand how R manages memory.
> library(pryr)
*Warning message:*
*package ?pryr? was built under R version 3.4.3 *
> mem_change(x <- 1:1e6)
4.01 MB
> mem_change(y <- x)
976 B
> mem_change(x[100] < NA)
976 B
> mem_change(rm(x))
864 B
> mem_change(rm(y))
-4 MB
I do understand why there is only 976 B positive change in the 3rd line.
This is because now y and x both points to the same block of memory that
holds 1:1e6.
But I dont understand below
> mem_change(rm(x))
864 B
Why memory consumption increased here while deleting an object, although by
a small amount?
Any detailed explanation will be appreciated. Thanks,
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