Hello everyone. I am working on an Open Stats Lab (https://sites.trinity.edu/osl/) activity for factorial ANOVA and have posted my analysis on GitHub (link below). Once I have a significant interaction, how do I conduct a simple-effects test in R? The mixed design is unbalanced as follows: 1. within-subjects factor: Time 1, Time 2; 2. between-subjects factor: Condition 1 (ordinary; n = 64), Condition 2 (extraordinary; n = 66). I imported the data and transformed it into long format. library(broom) library(car) library(nlme) library(tidyverse) > zhang_long[, 1:4] # A tibble: 260 x 4 condition subject_id extra_time extra_rating <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> 1 ordinary 1 t1_extra 1 2 ordinary 2 t1_extra 3 3 ordinary 3 t1_extra 1 4 ordinary 4 t1_extra 1 5 ordinary 5 t1_extra 5 6 ordinary 6 t1_extra 2 7 ordinary 7 t1_extra 2 8 ordinary 8 t1_extra 3 9 ordinary 9 t1_extra 4 10 ordinary 10 t1_extra 6 # ... with 250 more rows Since this is a practice activity, I can test my analyses against the published paper. I was able to calculate the appropriate F-value using car::Anova and nlme::lme. # Create linear mixed-effects model extra_lme <- lme(extra_rating ~ condition*extra_time, random ~1|subject_id, data = zhang_long) # Print ANOVA summary using type III sum of squares options(contrasts = c("contr.sum", "contr.poly")) Anova(extra_lme, type = "III") But now I am stuck. How do I conduct a simple-effects test for the interaction between time and condition? I tried to subset the data by condition. # Split data by condition ordinary <- zhang_long %>% filter(condition == "ordinary") # Simple-effects test Anova(lme(extra_rating ~ extra_time, random = ~1|subject_id, data ordinary), type = "III") This got me very close to the F-value reported in the paper, which is F(1, 128) = **39.86**. Analysis of Deviance Table (Type III tests) Response: extra_rating Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq) (Intercept) 610.25 1 < 2.2e-16 *** extra_time 37.81 1 7.797e-10 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1 What am I doing wrong? I uploaded a script and Rmarkdown document to GitHub: https://github.com/corycaaz/osl-zhang-et-al-2014 Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Cory J. Cascalheira [[alternative HTML version deleted]]