hello everybody and good night ...
I'm trying to learn how to use a DLL, via "dyn.load" and
".C" inside the R.
I did some testing (below is a part of what I tried) and I could not
figure out how to do this.
If anyone can give a hint on how to do this manipulation, it would be a
lot of help!
And thanks in advance for any tip.
Thank you!
In the pdf explaining the SDK, it has function detail:
FDwfGetVersion(char szVersion[32])
Description: Retrieves the version string. The version string is
composed of major, minor, and build numbers (i.e.,
### In R, I tried:
> dwf <- dyn.load("C:\\Windows\\System32\\dwf")
> is.loaded("FDwfGetVersion")
[1] TRUE
> result <- .C("FDwfGetVersion", version=as.character() )
> result
> str(result)
List of 1
?$ version: chr(0)
But in Python, I saw that the result is as follows (examples in Python
are made available by the manufacturer)
>>> from ctypes import *
>>> dwf = cdll.dwf
>>> version = create_string_buffer(16)
>>> dwf.FDwfGetVersion(version)
>>> print("DWF Version: "+str(version.value))
DWF Version: 3.8.22
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