On behalf of the American Statistical Association sections mentioned below,? I am forwarding the information that recently appeared on the Statistical Computing Section web? at https://community.amstat.org/stat-computing/data-expo/data-expo-2019. Old-timers will know that the ASA Data Challenge Expo has been important in the history of R development, and a number of these have been used as examples in a wide range of teaching and R packages.? Encourage your colleagues and students to consider this! -Michael Three ASA sections (Computing, Government, and Graphics) are proud to sponsor the, now annual, Data Challenge Expo 2019 at the JSM 2019 meetings. The contest is open to anyone who is interested in participating, including college students and professionals from the private or public sector. This contest challenges participants to analyze a government data set using statistical and visualization tools and methods. There will be two award categories ? Professional (one level with a $500 award) and Student (three levels with awards at $1,500, $1,000, and $500). Contestants will present their results in a speed poster session at the JSM and must submit their abstracts to the JSM online system. Presenters are responsible for their own JSM registration and travel costs, and any other costs associated with JSM attendance. Group submissions are acceptable. To enter, contestants must do the following by _February 4, 2019_. * Submit abstract for Speed Poster session to the JSM 2019 website (http://ww2.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2019/submissions.cfm). Specify the Government Statistics Section (GSS) as the main sponsor. Abstract submission starts _December 3, 2018_. * Forward the JSM abstract submission email to Wendy Martinez (martinez.wendy at bls.gov <mailto:martinez.wendy at bls.gov>). The data set for the Data Challenge Expo 2019 will be the New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey. Public use data files and documentation are available here: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/nychvs.html. Contestants must use some portion of the New York City Housing and Vacancy Survey data, but can also combine other data sources in the analysis. If you have any questions on the Data Challenge Expo 2019 please reach out to Wendy Martinez. -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku DOT ca Professor, Psychology Dept. & Chair, ASA Statistical Graphics Section York University Voice: 416 736-2100 x66249 4700 Keele Street Web: http://www.datavis.ca | @datavisFriendly Toronto, ONT M3J 1P3 CANADA [[alternative HTML version deleted]]