Nelly Reduan
2018-Nov-01 19:35 UTC
[R] Speeding up R code - Apply a function to each row of a matrix using the dplyr package
Hello, I have a input data frame with multiple rows. For each row, I want to apply a function. The input data frame has 1,000,000+ rows. How can I speed up my code ? I would like to keep the function "func". Here is a reproducible example with a simple function: library(tictoc) library(dplyr) func <- function(coord, a, b, c){ X1 <- as.vector(coord[1]) Y1 <- as.vector(coord[2]) X2 <- as.vector(coord[3]) Y2 <- as.vector(coord[4]) if(c == 0) { res1 <- mean(c((X1 - a) : (X1 - 1), (Y1 + 1) : (Y1 + 40))) res2 <- mean(c((X2 - a) : (X2 - 1), (Y2 + 1) : (Y2 + 40))) res <- matrix(c(res1, res2), ncol=2, nrow=1) } else { res1 <- mean(c((X1 - a) : (X1 - 1), (Y1 + 1) : (Y1 + 40)))*b res2 <- mean(c((X2 - a) : (X2 - 1), (Y2 + 1) : (Y2 + 40)))*b res <- matrix(c(res1, res2), ncol=2, nrow=1) } return(res) } ## Apply the function set.seed(1) n = 10000000 tab <- as.matrix(data.frame(x1 = sample(1:100, n, replace = T), y1 = sample(1:100, n, replace = T), x2 = sample(1:100, n, replace = T), y2 = sample(1:100, n, replace = T))) tic("test 1") test <- tab %>% split(1:nrow(tab)) %>% map(~ func(.x, 40, 5, 1)) %>%"rbind", .) toc() test 1: 599.2 sec elapsed Thanks very much for your time Have a nice day Nell [[alternative HTML version deleted]]