Hello, I was trying to make my R implementation of making-a-lisp https://github.com/kanaka/mal/tree/master/ And to my surprise I got stuck in the starting blocks. There is already a mal implementation of R here https://github.com/kanaka/mal/tree/master/r but it uses rdyncall package which is not on CRAN anymore and I thought it would be fun to try my skills here The following code is step0_repl.r but it does pass the test. Do you have any idea why? READ <- function(arg){ return(arg) } EVAL <- function(arg){ return(arg) } PRINT <- function(arg){ return(arg) } REP <- function(arg){ PRINT(EVAL(READ(arg))) } tryCatch({ while(TRUE){ cat("user> ") input <- tryCatch(readLines(n=1),error=function(e) character(0)) if (identical(input,character(0))) { stop } else{ if(input==""){next} else cat(REP(input),"\n",sep="") } } },error=function(err){ cat( err$message,"\ninput: ",input,"\n", sep="") }) Best regards, Jeremie