Yan, Jun
2017-Oct-18 10:37 UTC
[R] 2018 ASA Computing/Graphics: Chambers Software Award and Student Paper Competition
Dear R-help Listers, The following two student competitions are of interests to the now many student R package developers. I'd appreciate your help in spreading them. #1. John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award 2018 The Statistical Computing Section of the American Statistical Association announces the competition for the John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award. In 1998 the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) presented the ACM Software System Award to John Chambers for the design and development of S. Dr. Chambers generously donated his award to the Statistical Computing Section to endow an annual prize for statistical software written by, or in collaboration with, an undergraduate or graduate student. The prize carries with it a cash award, which has been increased from $1,000 to $2,000 starting from 2018. See http://stat-computing.org/awards/jmc/history.html for the history of the award. Both individuals and teams are eligible to participate in the competition. To be eligible, at least one individual within the team must have begun the development while a student and must either currently be a student, or have completed all requirements for her/his last degree after January 1, 2017. The award will be given to the student, or split between student team members if the team consists of multiple students, up to a maximum of three students. If the software was created by a team, the contribution of the student(s) must be substantial. To apply for the award, teams must provide the following materials: Current CVs of all team members. A letter from a faculty mentor at the academic institution of one of the students. The letter should confirm that the student had substantial participation in the development of the software, certify her/his student status when the software began to be developed, confirm that he/she is still a student (or provide a date of degree completion), and briefly discuss the importance of the software to statistical practice. A brief, one to two page description of the software, summarizing what it does, how it does it, and why it is an important contribution. If any student team member has continued developing the software after finishing her/his studies, the description should indicate what was developed when the individual was a student and what has been added since. An installable software package with its source code for use by the award committee. It should be accompanied by enough information to allow the judges to effectively use and evaluate the software (including its design considerations). This information can be provided in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: a user manual, a manuscript, a URL, and online help to the system. All materials must be in English. We prefer that electronic text be submitted as PDF files. The entries will be judged on a variety of dimensions, including the importance and relevance for statistical practice of the tasks performed by the software, ease of use, clarity of description, elegance and availability for use by the statistical community. Preference will be given to those entries that are grounded in software design rather than calculation. The decision of the award committee is final. All application materials MUST BE RECEIVED by 5:00pm EST, Friday, December 15, 2017. The submission window will be open at http://asa.stat.uconn.edu on December 1, 2017. Questions are to be emailed to Professor Jun Yan. #2. Student Paper Competition 2018 The Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics Sections of the ASA are co-sponsoring a student paper competition on the topics of Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics. Students are encouraged to submit a paper in one of these areas, which might be original methodological research, some novel computing or graphical application in statistics, or any other suitable contribution (for example, a software-related project). The selected winners will present their papers in a topic-contributed session at the 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings. The prize carries with it a cash award of $1,000. Anyone who is a student (graduate or undergraduate) on or after September 1, 2017 is eligible to participate. An entry must include an abstract, a six page manuscript (including figures, tables and references; a two-column format is acceptable), blinded versions of the abstract and manuscript (with no author names or other information that easily identifies the authors), a CV, and a letter from a faculty member familiar with the student's work. The applicant must be the first author of the paper. The faculty letter must include a verification of the applicant's student status and, in the case of joint authorship, should indicate what fraction of the contribution is attributable to the applicant. We prefer that electronic submissions of papers consist of PDF files. All materials must be in English. Students may submit papers to no more than two sections and may accept only one section's award. Students must inform both sections applied to when he or she wins and accepts an award, thereby removing the student from the award competition for the second section. All application materials MUST BE RECEIVED by 5:00 PM EST, Friday, December 15, 2017. The submission window will be open at http://asa.stat.uconn.edu on December 1, 2017. They will be reviewed by the Student Paper Competition Award committee of the Statistical Computing and Graphics Sections. The selection criteria used by the committee will include innovation and significance of the contribution as well as the professional quality of the manuscript. Award announcements will be made by January 15th, 2018. Additional important information on the competition may be found at http://stat-computing.org/awards/student/faq.html and, for all ASA sponsored student paper competitions Additional important information on the competition may be found at http://stat-computing.org/awards/student/faq.html and, for all ASA sponsored student paper competitions, at http://amstat.org/ASA/Your-Career/Student-Paper-Competitions.aspx?hkey=6481db83-6316-44b1-be71-d4796b76f583. Jun Yan Department of Statistics University of Connecticut jun.yan at uconn.edu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Yan, Jun
2017-Dec-01 10:07 UTC
[R] 2018 ASA Computing/Graphics: Chambers Software Award and Student Paper Competition
Dear R-help Listers, The submission site for the two awards (Chambers Student Software; Computing/Graphics Student Paper) is open at http://asa.stat.uconn.edu<http://asa.stat.uconn.edu/> until the deadline, 5:00 pm EST, December 15, 2017. The results will be announced by January 15, 2018. The award recipients are expected to present in a topic-contributed session at the 2018 JSM in Vancouver. I would appreciate your spreading the words. Jun Yan ________________________________ From: Yan, Jun Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 6:37:19 AM To: r-help at R-project.org Subject: 2018 ASA Computing/Graphics: Chambers Software Award and Student Paper Competition Dear R-help Listers, The following two student competitions are of interests to the now many student R package developers. I'd appreciate your help in spreading them. #1. John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award 2018 The Statistical Computing Section of the American Statistical Association announces the competition for the John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award. In 1998 the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) presented the ACM Software System Award to John Chambers for the design and development of S. Dr. Chambers generously donated his award to the Statistical Computing Section to endow an annual prize for statistical software written by, or in collaboration with, an undergraduate or graduate student. The prize carries with it a cash award, which has been increased from $1,000 to $2,000 starting from 2018. See http://stat-computing.org/awards/jmc/history.html for the history of the award. Both individuals and teams are eligible to participate in the competition. To be eligible, at least one individual within the team must have begun the development while a student and must either currently be a student, or have completed all requirements for her/his last degree after January 1, 2017. The award will be given to the student, or split between student team members if the team consists of multiple students, up to a maximum of three students. If the software was created by a team, the contribution of the student(s) must be substantial. To apply for the award, teams must provide the following materials: Current CVs of all team members. A letter from a faculty mentor at the academic institution of one of the students. The letter should confirm that the student had substantial participation in the development of the software, certify her/his student status when the software began to be developed, confirm that he/she is still a student (or provide a date of degree completion), and briefly discuss the importance of the software to statistical practice. A brief, one to two page description of the software, summarizing what it does, how it does it, and why it is an important contribution. If any student team member has continued developing the software after finishing her/his studies, the description should indicate what was developed when the individual was a student and what has been added since. An installable software package with its source code for use by the award committee. It should be accompanied by enough information to allow the judges to effectively use and evaluate the software (including its design considerations). This information can be provided in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: a user manual, a manuscript, a URL, and online help to the system. All materials must be in English. We prefer that electronic text be submitted as PDF files. The entries will be judged on a variety of dimensions, including the importance and relevance for statistical practice of the tasks performed by the software, ease of use, clarity of description, elegance and availability for use by the statistical community. Preference will be given to those entries that are grounded in software design rather than calculation. The decision of the award committee is final. All application materials MUST BE RECEIVED by 5:00pm EST, Friday, December 15, 2017. The submission window will be open at http://asa.stat.uconn.edu on December 1, 2017. Questions are to be emailed to Professor Jun Yan. #2. Student Paper Competition 2018 The Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics Sections of the ASA are co-sponsoring a student paper competition on the topics of Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics. Students are encouraged to submit a paper in one of these areas, which might be original methodological research, some novel computing or graphical application in statistics, or any other suitable contribution (for example, a software-related project). The selected winners will present their papers in a topic-contributed session at the 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings. The prize carries with it a cash award of $1,000. Anyone who is a student (graduate or undergraduate) on or after September 1, 2017 is eligible to participate. An entry must include an abstract, a six page manuscript (including figures, tables and references; a two-column format is acceptable), blinded versions of the abstract and manuscript (with no author names or other information that easily identifies the authors), a CV, and a letter from a faculty member familiar with the student's work. The applicant must be the first author of the paper. The faculty letter must include a verification of the applicant's student status and, in the case of joint authorship, should indicate what fraction of the contribution is attributable to the applicant. We prefer that electronic submissions of papers consist of PDF files. All materials must be in English. Students may submit papers to no more than two sections and may accept only one section's award. Students must inform both sections applied to when he or she wins and accepts an award, thereby removing the student from the award competition for the second section. All application materials MUST BE RECEIVED by 5:00 PM EST, Friday, December 15, 2017. The submission window will be open at http://asa.stat.uconn.edu on December 1, 2017. They will be reviewed by the Student Paper Competition Award committee of the Statistical Computing and Graphics Sections. The selection criteria used by the committee will include innovation and significance of the contribution as well as the professional quality of the manuscript. Award announcements will be made by January 15th, 2018. Additional important information on the competition may be found at http://stat-computing.org/awards/student/faq.html and, for all ASA sponsored student paper competitions Additional important information on the competition may be found at http://stat-computing.org/awards/student/faq.html and, for all ASA sponsored student paper competitions, at http://amstat.org/ASA/Your-Career/Student-Paper-Competitions.aspx?hkey=6481db83-6316-44b1-be71-d4796b76f583. Jun Yan Department of Statistics University of Connecticut jun.yan at uconn.edu [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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