Hi, Did somebody know why asreml does not provide the same REML loglikehood as coxme, lme4 or lmne. Here is a simple example showing the differences: ####################################################################### library(lme4) library(coxme) library(asreml) library(nlme) data(ergoStool, package="nlme") # use a data set from nlme fit1 <- lmekin(effort ~ Type+(1|Subject), data=ergoStool,method="REML") fit1$loglik #-60.56539 fit2 <- lmer(effort ~ Type+(1|Subject), data=ergoStool,REML=TRUE) logLik(fit2) #'log Lik.' -60.56539 (df=6) fit3<-asreml(fixed=effort ~ Type,random=~Subject,data=ergoStool, na.method.X="omit",na.method.Y="omit") fit3$loglik #-31.15936 fit4<-lme(effort ~ Type,random=~1|Subject, data = ergoStool,method="REML") fit4$logLik #-60.56539 fit1 <- lmekin(effort ~ (1|Subject), data=ergoStool,method="REML") fit1$loglik #-78.91898 fit2 <- lmer(effort ~ (1|Subject), data=ergoStool,REML=TRUE) logLik(fit2) #'log Lik.' -78.91898 (df=3) fit3<-asreml(fixed=effort ~ 1,random=~Subject,data=ergoStool, na.method.X="omit",na.method.Y="omit") fit3$loglik #-46.75614 fit4<-lme(effort ~ 1,random=~1|Subject, data = ergoStool,method="REML") fit4$logLik #-78.91898 ############################ If it was just a constant value between the two models (with or without the fixed effect) it would not be important. But it is not. I checked that the variance component estimators were equal. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]