> On May 11, 2017, at 9:33 AM, G.Maubach at gmx.de wrote:
> Hi All,
> this post is somewhat off-topic cause it deals with a meta issue related to
project organisation instead of real R code.
> I have updated my blog concerning a possible directory and file structure
for marketing research projects and data mining projects alike:
> github.com/gmaubach/R-Know-How/wiki/R-Blog
> There I condensed best practices already communicated in articels, books,
packages and guidelines into a new universial structure. It shall serve as a
template and construction kit which you can use to create a structure that suits
your project best.
> Comments and suggestions are welcome.
I wonder if you meant to write:
detach("package:xlsx", unload = TRUE)
> Kind regards
> Georg
David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA