2017-Apr-13 09:15 UTC
[R] 回复: how to plot three dimension data to filled contour plot or surface plot in R Ask Question
This can be a solution. Thank you. Thanks for your time. ------------------------------------------------------------------????Ismail SEZEN <sezenismail at gmail.com>?????2017?4?13?(???) 10:05????dncdd <dncdd at aliyun.com>????r-help <r-help at r-project.org>????Re: [R] how to plot three dimension data to filled contour plot or surface plot in R Ask Question On 12 Apr 2017, at 09:08, dncdd <dncdd at aliyun.com> wrote: Sorry, I might make the question complicated.? I can use filled.contour() to plot mini data 1(three dimension on flat surface). Now my problem is on mini data 2. Let's unfold the mini data 2. ??r1dn???r2dn???tdn????fdn ?????x,?????y,?????z, ? ? v ????0.8????0.8????0.1????0.3 ????0.8????0.8????0.2????0.2 ????0.8????0.8????0.3????0.1 ????0.8????0.8????0.4????0 ????0.8????0.8????0.5????0 ????0.8????0.8????0.6????0 ????0.8????0.8????0.7????0 ????0.8????0.8????0.8????0 ????0.8????0.8????0.9????0 ????0.8????1.8????0.1????0.3 ????0.8????1.8????0.2????0.2 ????0.8????1.8????0.3????0.1 ????0.8????1.8????0.4????0.2 ????0.8????1.8????0.5????0.3 ????0.8????1.8????0.6????0.4 ????0.8????1.8????0.7????0.4 ????0.8????1.8????0.8????0.5 ????0.8????1.8????0.9????0.5 ????0.8????2.8????0.1????0.3 ????0.8????2.8????0.2????0.4 ????0.8????2.8????0.3????0.5 ????0.8????2.8????0.4????0.5 ????0.8????2.8????0.5????0.6 ????0.8????2.8????0.6????0.6 ????0.8????2.8????0.7????0.6 ????0.8????2.8????0.8????0.7 ????0.8????2.8????0.9????0.7 ????1.8????0.8????0.1????0.3 ????1.8????0.8????0.2????0.2 ????1.8????0.8????0.3????0.2 ????1.8????0.8????0.4????0.2 ????1.8????0.8????0.5????0.3 ????1.8????0.8????0.6????0.2 ????1.8????0.8????0.7????0 ????1.8????0.8????0.8????0 ????1.8????0.8????0.9????0 ????1.8????1.8????0.1????0.3 ????1.8????1.8????0.2????0.4 ????1.8????1.8????0.3????0.3 ????1.8????1.8????0.4????0.2 ????1.8????1.8????0.5????0.3 ????1.8????1.8????0.6????0.5 ????1.8????1.8????0.7????0.5 ????1.8????1.8????0.8????0.6 ????1.8????1.8????0.9????0.6 ????1.8????2.8????0.1????0.5 ????1.8????2.8????0.2????0.4 ????1.8????2.8????0.3????0.5 ????1.8????2.8????0.4????0.6 ????1.8????2.8????0.5????0.6 ????1.8????2.8????0.6????0.7 ????1.8????2.8????0.7????0.6 ????1.8????2.8????0.8????0.8 ????1.8????2.8????0.9????0.8 ????2.8????0.8????0.1????0.3 ????2.8????0.8????0.2????0.4 ????2.8????0.8????0.3????0.4 ????2.8????0.8????0.4????0.4 ????2.8????0.8????0.5????0.5 ????2.8????0.8????0.6????0.5 ????2.8????0.8????0.7????0.5 ????2.8????0.8????0.8????0.5 ????2.8????0.8????0.9????0.5 ????2.8????1.8????0.1????0.3 ????2.8????1.8????0.2????0.2 ????2.8????1.8????0.3????0.4 ????2.8????1.8????0.4????0.5 ????2.8????1.8????0.5????0.5 ????2.8????1.8????0.6????0.6 ????2.8????1.8????0.7????0.6 ????2.8????1.8????0.8????0.7 ????2.8????1.8????0.9????0.8 ????2.8????2.8????0.1????0.3 ????2.8????2.8????0.2????0.5 ????2.8????2.8????0.3????0.5 ????2.8????2.8????0.4????0.6 ????2.8????2.8????0.5????0.7 ????2.8????2.8????0.6????0.7 ????2.8????2.8????0.7????0.9 ????2.8????2.8????0.8????0.8 ????2.8????2.8????0.9????0.9 When x is 0.8, y is 0.8, z is 0.1, then v is 0.3. ?So v is not limited by a function like v ~ f(x,y,z). I mean x,y,z is just like labels on the 3d space.You have give me many suggestions. I think that maybe scatterplot with colors on v on 3d space is a solution. I will try it later. At the beginning, I was wondering?a 3d surface plot or 3d filled.contour on 3d space. I am not sure whether it is possble. First of all, v is function of x,y,z according to sample above wheter you accept or not. ?Because x,y,z represents coordinates of v in the 3D space and if someone wants to plot contours between those points, he/she needs a v(x,y,z) function that can calculate values (v) between x,y,z coordinates. Let?s get back to main question. I think you want something like as [1] and [2]. Your best shot is misc3d package. I created a simple example how to plot isosurfaces and you can find different strategies to plot 4D data in 3D space at [3]. #??????????library(misc3d)# let's create a function to create a sample data to visualizef <- function(x, y, z) sin(x) * sin(y) * sin(z)x <- z <- seq(0, pi, length.out = 15)y <- seq(-pi, pi, length.out = 15)d <- expand.grid(x, y, z)colnames(d) <- c("x", "y", "z")d$v <- with(d, f(x, y, z)) # this is your initial datahead(d) k <- 16 # number of contoursalpha_min_max <- c(0.2, 0.6)colf <- colorRampPalette(rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdBu"))) # isosurfaces are at herelev <- seq(min(d$v), max(d$v), length.out = k)# inner isosurfaces are more solid, outer ones are more transparent.# So, we can see inner isosurfaces by x-ray vision.alpha <- seq(alpha_min_max[1], alpha_min_max[2], length.out = k) rgl::plot3d(x, y, z, type = "n", aspect = TRUE) # create scenemisc3d::contour3d(f, lev, x, y, z, color = colf(k), alpha = alpha,? ? ? ? ? smooth = 3, engine = "rgl", add = TRUE)rgl::aspect3d(1, 2, 1) # set aspect, y is different from x and z.#?????????? 1-?http://stackoverflow.com/a/11319175/5578842-?http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/198193-?https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v028i01 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]