Your code is syntactically correct but goes against all R style guides I know.
I've changed that - but obviously you don't have to.
x1 <- c(a1 = 0, b3 = 2, e2 = -2)
x2 <- c(c = 3, d = 4, f = 5)
N <- c("a1", "b3", "d", "e2",
"c", "f")
x3 <- c(x1, x2) # concatenate
x3 <- x3[N] # re-order
The assumption is that N contains each of names(x1) and names(x2) exactly once.
If that isn't guaranteed, a different approach is needed.
> On Apr 2, 2017, at 5:02 PM, Art U < at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Lets say I have 2 vectors:
> x1=c("a1"=0,"b3"=2,"e2"=-2);
> x2=c("c"=3,"d"=4,"f"=5);
> and vector of names in specific order:
> and I want to combine them to vector C:
> C>
> a1 b3 d e2 c f
> 0 2 4 -2 3 5
> Basically, just fill vector N with values from vector x1 and x2. How can I
> do that?
> Thank you in advance.
> Art
> --
> *I like to pretend I'm alone*. *Completely alone*. *Maybe
> or plague*... *Whatever*. *No-one left to act normal for. No need to hide
> who I really am. It would be... freeing*. *...*
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