The fact related to Rolf's vague recollection is here:
And the relevant post (Martin Maechler's answer):
Should that be a FAQ?
> On 16/03/17 03:57, Bert Gunter wrote:
>> Perhaps this has been asked and settled before, but while such
courses>> certainly might be of interest to those who read this list, they
are>> for profit, and therefore advertising them here does seem somewhat
>> inappropriate.
>>> On 15/03/2017 20:13, Rolf Turner <r.turner at>
> I have a *vague* recollection that it *has* been asked before and
that > there was a consensus, or a pronouncement from R core (or a
combination > of the two; or something like that) that such announcements were OK
as > long as they were reasonably brief and not overly frequent. Or
> something like that.
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