2016-Jan-30 14:43 UTC
[R] Use of betatree {betareg} to estimate true positives from multiple tests
?Hi,?Doesanyone use the 'betatree' function in the betareg package to do a kind of falsediscovery rate (FDR) test for a set of many p values??I wasthinking to compare the beta parameters of the true distribution of about 1000p values with p values of permuted data, and test whether the two distributionswere significantly different, with a greater mass of low p values in the truedata. I know this is possible with betatree, I'm just not sure if it's a 'normal'method.?I knowuniform-beta mixture models are commonly used to examine FDR, and there are R packagesavailable, but my tests are non-independent so the null distribution may not beuniform and has to be found empirically. The mixture model approach assumes there are two groups: truepositives (beta distribution) and true negatives (uniform distribution). I think my approach would assume a continuous distributionof effect sizes in the true data, rather than 2 distinct groups, with a point mass at 0 effect size for thepermuted data. I also looked at using the 'betamix' function, but this is much less accurate and takes longer to run.?Best?Richard. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]