Maybe something like the following.
temp2 <- cbind(temp[[3]][, 1], temp[[3]][, 2])
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Citando Jun Shen <jun.shen.ut at gmail.com>:
> Dear list,
> Say I have some quantile operation like this
> data.frame(ID=rep(1:10,each=10),CONC=runif(100)) -> test
> lapply(c('mean','sd','quantile'), function(x)
> aggregate(test['CONC'],by=test['ID'],FUN=x)) -> temp
> The output temp is a list of three elements. I would like to merge the
> three elements into one data frame. The first two elements (the mean and sd
> output) are easy to handle that I just need to update the column names. The
> problem is the third element. Although it looks like a data frame in
> dimension of 10 by 6 but really is just 10 by 2. How do I coerce the third
> element in 10 by 6? Thanks a lot.
> Jun
> ?
>> head(temp[[3]])? ID? ? ?CONC.0%? ? CONC.25%? ? CONC.50%? ?
>> CONC.75%? ?CONC.100%
> 1? 1 0.024352714 0.235039202 0.662819513 0.737295381 0.934520832
> 2? 2 0.004732985 0.246812366 0.399628344 0.663579348 0.942850115
> 3? 3 0.240309454 0.445094065 0.593619958 0.815292642 0.985080817
> 4? 4 0.070251047 0.173052744 0.591731071 0.706560762 0.929560236
> ? ? ? ? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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