Hello everybody. I am using the caret package in order to predict something from some data. I have "hours" , "days" and "temperature" where "hours" are given in decimal form, "days" are the days of the week where each observation was colected and "temperature" is the temperature that a user of air conditioning inputed in the device. I have simplified the problem but the thing is I want to predict the temperature that is going to be choose having the time (hour and day of the week). I try to do something like this: hour <- c(12,12.5,12.75,13,14,14.5,16,10,11,14,15.71,13,9,10,12,13,18,20,12.2,13) day <- c("m","m","t","t","w","w","th","th","f","f","st","st","sn","sn","m","t","w","th","f","st") temperature <- c(19,20,21,22,20,23,26,27,26,26,25,23,23,20,24,25,25,22,28,26) df <- data.frame(hour,day,temperature) inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=df$temperature, p=0.6,list=F) training <- df[inTrain,] testing <- df[-inTrain,] modelFit <- train(temperature ~ hour+day,data=training, method="glm") modelFit predictions <- predict(modelFit, newdata=testing) but the predictions have decimals, so I don't know how to treate the temperature variable (because it is only going to be a natural value). Which model should I use to predict those data? Do you have any advice or manual that I could check?? Also, I would like to know the correct way of testing the model (usually if I had just two categories I would use a confusionMatrix but here i dont have any clue). Thank you very very much!! ------ Aurora Gonz?lez Vidal @. aurora.gonzalez2 at um.es T. 868 88 7866 www.um.es/ae [[alternative HTML version deleted]]