Hi, Both following code examples plot bollinger band over the ticker main plotand Williams Power below the main plot. 1. chartSeries(YHOO,theme="white",TA = c(addBBands(200,2), addWPR(n=300))) 2. chartSeries(IB,theme="white",TA = c(addBBands(200,2))) addWPR(n=300) See: http://around-r.blogspot.it/2015/04/financial-data-exploratory-analysis_27.html for examples. In general, if you like to plot indipendently a trading indicator computed by quantmod, you can do: wpr <- addWPR(n=300)plot(wpr at TA.values, type='l') -- or any other R plot library you like as in @TA.values are stored trading indicator values for any indicator. Giorgio Garziano [[alternative HTML version deleted]]