paste() and paste0() will work here. paste0() defaults to "" between
character vector elements and paste() defaults to " " (single blank
character) between character vector elements. See ?paste.
I do not recall, but you may have to escape the "&" symbol, but
that is another topic.
Try this.
title (main = paste0("Mapa de los dblinks del entorno: ",
dbName),sub="Luis Diaz -
Emergencies & improvments")
P.S. Spelling correction - "improvements"
R. Mark Sharp, Ph.D.
Director of Primate Records Database
Southwest National Primate Research Center
Texas Biomedical Research Institute
P.O. Box 760549
San Antonio, TX 78245-0549
Telephone: (210)258-9476
e-mail: msharp at TxBiomed.org
> On Aug 19, 2015, at 7:11 AM, Diaz Garcia, Luis Carlos <Luis.Diaz at
tecnocom.es> wrote:
> Hi every one
> first I would like to introduce myself, as I'm new here.
> I'm Luis from Barcelona, I'm Oracle dba and I need to create some
> graphs.
> So, I was looking for a solution and I saw R...
> I think it's a good tool to make the task I need.
> So here is the task: I need to get all the dblink from one database and
> the result of the query.
> The dblink will have the origin database name, the destination, the name of
> the link the type too.
> So I look into the R doc and I saw the way to get the data from my
> library("RODBC")
> con <- odbcConnect("DPL03", uid="myuser",
pwd="mypass",believeNRows=FALSE )
> dbName <- sqlQuery(con, "SELECT instance_name from
> Now I have dbName with one value, the name of my instance, but I don't
> how to insert this data into this:
> plot.new()
> title (main ="Map of the dbLinks of the database",sub="Luis
Diaz -
> Emergencies & improvments")
> As you see, I create a screen to plot where I'll draw shapes and lines
> the first issue is to insert here the name of my instance, but I can't.
> I try to concatenate like this:
> title (main ="Mapa de los dblinks del entorno: " + dbName
,sub="Luis Diaz -
> Emergencies & improvments")
> But I have an error, and if I use print(dbName) the value is printed but
> outside of the plot.new() screen.
> Some one can help ?
> Thanks in advance !
> Cheers
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