Alicia PĂ©rez-Porro
2015-Aug-07 16:34 UTC
[R] Treemap error - missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Dear R users, I am trying to generate a treemap using the package Treemap on R and I'm encountering the subsequent error: *Error in if (rec[3] < rec[4]) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed* I did traceback() and I got: *5: pivotSize(numeric(0), c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_* * ))* *4:, list(value, rec))* *3: subTM(datlist[datlist$l == 1])* *2: tmGenerateRect(datlist, vps, indexList, algorithm)* *1: treemap(stuff, index = c("representative", "description"), vSize "value", * * type = "categorical", vColor = "representative", title = "REVIGO Gene Ontology treemap", * * inflate.labels = FALSE, lowerbound.cex.labels = 0, bg.labels "#CCCCCCAA", * * position.legend = "none")* My script is attached. I have no idea about how to fix it. Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance, Alicia