Dear all, I have data for an bipartite mutualistic interaction network and I am trying to generate network metrics for this data set. All metrics could be calculated correctly. However, when trying to run specieslevel function of the package "bipartite", I have the following problem: xx <- specieslevel(matt) Erro em data.frame(degree = c(16, 11, 6, 5, 6, 4, 5, 4, 2, 5, 7, 4, 4,? : ? string multibyte inv?lida 4 orxx <- specieslevel(matt, index="species strength") Erro em data.frame(`species strength` = c(8.60588008182592, 3.82680284670328,? : ? string multibyte inv?lida 4 Do you have a clue on what may be the problem? Thanks in advance!Best,Bernardo Niebuhr [[alternative HTML version deleted]]