Nussbaum Madlene
2015-Mar-13 13:17 UTC
[R] mboost: Proportional odds boosting model - how to specify the offset?
Dear R team The package mboost allows for boosting of proportional odds models. However, I would like to include an offset for every observation. This produces an error - no matter how I put the offset (as response probabilities or as response link). Fitting gamboost-models with offset works satisfactory with family = Gaussian() or Multinomial(). Questions: 1) How do I need to specify the offset with family = PropOdds()? 2) Where in the mboost-object do I find the Theta's (response category dependent intercept)? # --- minimal example with iris data --- library(MASS) library(mboost) data(iris) iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species, ordered = T) p.iris <- polr(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) mlp <- gamboost(Species ~ bols(Sepal.Length) + bols(Sepal.Width), data = iris, family = PropOdds(), offset = fitted(p.iris) ) Error in tmp[[i]] : subscript out of bounds Thank you M. Nussbaum -- ETH Z?rich Madlene Nussbaum Institut f?r Terrestrische ?kosysteme Boden- und Terrestrische Umweltphysik CHN E 37.2 Universit?tstrasse 16 CH-8092 Z?rich Telefon + 44 632 73 21 Mobile + 79 761 34 66 madlene.nussbaum at