marKo <mtoncic <at>> writes:>
> I'm a bit stuck.
> I have to integrate a series of polynomial functions with vector
> arguments.
> v1<-c(1:5)
> v2<-c(1:5)
> f1<-function (x) {v1*x+v2*x^2}
> The problem is that integrate(f1, 0, 1) does not work.
The point is not that there are "vector arguments", but that your
is vector-valued and so the generated error message below rightly says
"evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length".
You could integrate each dimension separately or, e.g., you use quadv()
from package 'pracma' which handles vector-valued functions:
> v1 <- v2 <- 1:5
> f1<-function (x) {v1*x+v2*x^2}
> library(pracma)
> quadv(f1, 0, 1, tol=1e-10)
[1] 0.8333333 1.6666667 2.5000000 3.3333333 4.1666667
[1] 13
[1] 0.0000000003
quadv() employs an adaptive Simpson quadrature where the recursion is
applied to all components at once.
> I does not, even if a pas the arguments (v1, v2)
> f1<-function (x, v1, v2) {v1*x+v2*x^2}
> or if i try to vectorize the function
> f1<-Vectorize(function(x, v1, v2){v1*x+v2*x^2},
> vectorize.args=c("v1", "v2"))
> integrate(f1, 0, 1) gives an error:
> Error in integrate(f1, 0, 1) :
> evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Marko