On 22/02/2015 15:46, Ben Bolker wrote:> Fatemeh a <f.alimadadi <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I am running a software which is shinybased within R : it gives me this
>> error:
>> Warning: running command 'octave -qf
>> had status 1
>> I was wondering if anyone could help me where the problem is and what
>> the status 1 mean?
>> my system info : windows 8, octave 3.6.4, R 3.1.2
>> thank you in advance,
> Sure sounds like you're having problems running octave,
> presumably via a system() call from within R.
> Without more detail, it's impossible to do more than guess.
> Is octave in your path?
From the help file for system():
If ?intern = FALSE?, the return value is an error code (?0? for
success), given the invisible attribute (so needs to be printed
explicitly). If the command could not be run for any reason, the
value is ?127?.
so not having the command in your path does not give status 1 ....
This is off-topic here: you need to consult the documentation of the
command you run to see its error codes. (On Linux 'man octave' does not
say, although it would be expected to.)
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford
1 South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3TG, UK