Thanks for the quick response.
My work-around was suggested as a quick fix for right-censored data, not as a
general sort method for censored data.
My concern was that sort does not work on right-censored data as described in
the xtfrm documentation.
Mik Bickis
> On Feb 13, 2015, at 05:53 AM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. <therneau at> wrote:
> Your work around is not as "easy" looking to me.
> Survival times come in multiple flavors: left censored, right censored,
interval censored, left-truncated and right censored, and multi-state. Can you
give me guidance on how each of these should sort? If a sort method is added to
the package it needs to deal with all of these.
> Professor Ripley has pointed out that the default action of sort() for
right censored times, which I agree is reasonable.
> Terry Therneau (author of the survival package)
> On 02/13/2015 05:00 AM, r-help-request at wrote:
>> It seems that Surv objects do not sort correctly. This seems to be a
bug. Anyone else found this?
>>> >
>> [1] 4+ 3 1+ 2 5+
>>> >class(
>> [1] "Surv"
>>> >sort(
>> [1] 2 1+ 4+ 3 5+
>> An easy work-around is to define a function sort.Surv