> I would like to query that if it is possible for R to terminate a program
such as
> notepad, word, etc.?
pskill from the tools package says it supports the Windows system call
You can get a process's ID using the windows command line
I got this to work on my text editor process (TextPad) using
pname <- "TextPad.exe" #Amend to your process name
tl <- system('tasklist', intern=TRUE) #Get the task list
pid.line <- tl[grep(pname, tl)] #Find the row that matches
[WARNING - I assumed only one]
pid.char <- gsub(paste("^",pname," *([0-9]+).*",
sep=""), "\\1", pid.line)
#Extract the PID
pid <- as.numeric(pid.char) #Convert to integer
pskill(pid) #Kill the process
You'll have to tweak that if you have more than one process with the same
name, and also to check for nonexistence of an expected process.
S Ellison
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