On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Trenkler, Dietrich wrote:
> I have two lists of equal lengths. Each one consists of vectors. Is
> there an elegant way to combine them elementwise? Elegant means: without
> loops.
> For instance, for
> > jja_list(1:3,4:7)
> > jjb_list(rep(0,4),(2,5))
> I would like to get:
> > list(c(1:3,rep(0,4)),c(4:7,rep(2,5))).
We are currently considering a 'lapplyAll' function that would be the
elegant solution to your problem (analogous to the LISP mapcar function).
For the time being
sapply(1:n,function(i) c(list1[[i]],list2[[i]])
with an obvious generalisation to three or more lists.
It's not substantially faster than a for() loop, though.
Thomas Lumley
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
University of Washington, Seattle
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