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Entre las dudas que se aclaran está este tema de la internacionalización...
Adjunto el detalle:
*9 Internationalization of the R.app*
R and the R.app GUI introduced support for internationalization in R 2.1.0.
Among other things this means that both messages and GUI elements can be
translated into various languages. R.app automatically detects user''s
settings in the *International* section of the System Preferences and uses
that information to offer translated messages and GUI if available. Please
note that both *Language* and *Formats* information is used so they should
be set up consistently.
If you use a non-standard setup (e.g. different language than formats), you
can override the auto-detection performed by setting `force.LANG''
setting, such as for example
defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8
when run in *Terminal* it will enforce US-english setting regardless of the
system setting. If you don''t know what *Terminal* is you can use this R
command instead:
system("defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8")
but do not forget to quit R and start R.app again afterwards. Please note
that you must always use `.UTF-8'' version of the locale, otherwise
will not work properly.
Another change from previous versions (R 2.0 and R.app 1.01) is the support
for UTF-8 character encoding. By default R.app uses UTF-8 for newly created
documents and for the console. When opening new documents R.app assumes
UTF-8 and only if the document violates UTF-8 rules, it will try to
fallback to legacy encoding, usually Mac Roman.
If you are interested in translating R.app GUI into other languages, please
read the developer documentation
http://developer.r-project.org/Translations.html for details.
Carlos Ortega
El 5 de febrero de 2013 00:00, Noé Orlando Juárez López <
noeorlando@comunidad.unam.mx> escribió:
> Reciban un Cordial Saludo.
> Mi problema es ¿Como se cambia el idioma de la barra de menu de R en una
> iMac?
> Gracias saludos.
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Carlos Ortega
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