Full schedule available on developer.r-project.org in a short while. -- Peter Dalgaard, Professor, Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark Phone: (+45)38153501 Office: A 4.23 Email: pd.mes at cbs.dk Priv: PDalgd at gmail.com
In data gioved? 25 maggio 2023 15:44:18 CEST, Peter Dalgaard via R-devel:> Full schedule available on developer.r-project.org in a short while.Really good news! For those who would like to test the next release on Linux: $ git clone github.com/dmedri/roaster $ cd roaster/ $ ./roaster --set-branch $ ./roaster --build-virtualenv It will fetch the source code from SVN R-4-3-branch repository and build everything in user space. HTH Cheers -- DM [[alternative HTML version deleted]]