On 3/13/23 17:31, Daniel Possenriede wrote:> Hi,
> If I am not mistaken, all Rtools 4.2 (and 4.3) revisions have the same
> ARP [1] entries, i.e. all report version (or This
> makes it difficult to determine the installed version (is it possible
> to determine the installed revision?) and impossible for tools like
> winget [2] to update Rtools to the latest revision, AFAICT.
> Would it be possible to track the version in the installer [3] for
> future Rtools releases again, like it used to be in Rtools 4.0 [4]?
Well the thing is that once you install Rtools 42/43, you can then
upgrade it internally (without Windows knowing). You can upgrade the
Msys2 part, or the MXE part, or both. The MXE part (customized for
Rtools) does have a single version number, which can be found in the
installation. The Msys2 part doesn't, afaik.
See e.g. "Upgrading Rtools43" in
https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/howto-R-devel.html for how
to upgrade and how to find out the current version number of the MXE part.
So, right, I could e.g. add a non-decreasing unique version to the build
of the installer (e.g. based on that from the SVN where it lives and the
MXE part version originally included), but I doubt how useful that would
be, given that a particular installation can be upgraded/modified by the
user. It could actually be misleading.
Note Rtools40 also could be updated by the user internally.
> Thanks!
> Daniel
> [1]
> [2] https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli
> [3]
> [4]
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