I just sent a PR that makes a few small changes to the package and
fixes the installation with `install_github()` (and also `R CMD
INSTALL`) and other ways of installing the package.
On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 1:53 PM Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel
<r-devel at r-project.org> wrote:>
> I treat CRAN as the main repository for survival, but I have also had a
> (therneau/survival) version for a couple of years. It has a vignette2
directory, for
> instance, that contains extra vignettes that either take too long to run or
depend on
> other packages. It also gets updated more often than CRAN (though those
updates mght not
> be as well tested yet).
> In any case, since it is there, people will of course run install_github
against it.
> I've added a config script to do the one extra step necessary, but when
I try
> install_github it fails. I'm clearly doing something wrong. If
someone were willing to
> contribute a fix I would be most grateful.
> survival3.1-0 is almost ready for CRAN, by the way. Reverse dependency
checks of hdnom
> turned up one last thing to repair...
> Terry Therneau
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