Witold E Wolski
2018-Nov-07 12:33 UTC
[Rd] Problem building rmarkdown vignettes with child
Hello, This is a problem I posted about already some time ago: stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2018-September/076786.html Finally, I did had some time to create a minimal package to reproduce the problem that vignettes with child can not be build. github.com/wolski/RmarkdownVignetteProblem The problem basically is that while all the vignettes can be build by running devtools::build_vignettes or rmarkdown::render they will all fail to build when running devtools::build() or R CMD build except of the ABVignetteWithLocalChild.Rmd for which I did apply the workaround suggested by Duncan in this github issue: github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/1540 Best regards Witek -- Witold Eryk Wolski
@osp@m m@ili@g off @ltfeld-im@de
2018-Nov-10 09:35 UTC
[Rd] Problem building rmarkdown vignettes with child
Which R version are you using to produce the problem? A few first indications: - The regex in ".install_extras" does not match your file endings: Change "Rmd_tmp$" into "Rmd_t$" - Try "output: rmarkdown::html_vignette" instead of "output: html_document" in the header of the file "ABVignetteWithLocalChild.Rmd" (and possibly other "*.Rmd"s) - Try to specify the child doc name directly in the chunks via "```{r child = "NoBuildVignette.Rmd_t"}" instead of "```{r includChild, child = child_docs}" Note the possible typo in the tag "includChild" (-> "includeChild"?) (and possibly other "*.Rmd"s) PS: You can find a working example of child Rmds for a CRAN package here: github.com/aryoda/tryCatchLog/tree/master/vignettes On Wed, 2018-11-07 at 13:33 +0100, Witold E Wolski wrote:> Hello, > > This is a problem I posted about already some time ago: > stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2018-September/076786.html > > Finally, I did had some time to create a minimal package to reproduce > the problem that vignettes with child can not be build. > github.com/wolski/RmarkdownVignetteProblem > > The problem basically is that while all the vignettes can be build by running > > devtools::build_vignettes > or > rmarkdown::render > > they will all fail to build when running > devtools::build() > or > R CMD build > > except of the > ABVignetteWithLocalChild.Rmd > for which I did apply the workaround suggested by Duncan in this github issue: > github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/1540 > > > Best regards > Witek > > >