On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 9:50 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at
gmail.com> wrote:> On 03/05/2018 11:18 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On 03/05/2018 11:01 AM, William Dunlap via R-devel wrote:
>>> In R-3.5.0 you can use ...length():
>>> > f <- function(..., n) ...length()
>>> > f(stop("one"), stop("two"),
stop("three"), n=7)
>>> [1] 3
>>> Prior to that substitute() is the way to go
>>> > g <- function(..., n) length(substitute(...()))
>>> > g(stop("one"), stop("two"),
stop("three"), n=7)
>>> [1] 3
>>> R-3.5.0 also has the ...elt(n) function, which returns
>>> the evaluated n'th entry in ... , without evaluating the
>>> other ... entries.
>>> > fn <- function(..., n) ...elt(n)
>>> > fn(stop("one"), 3*5, stop("three"),
>>> [1] 15
>>> Prior to 3.5.0, eval the appropriate component of the output
>>> of substitute() in the appropriate environment:
>>> > gn <- function(..., n) {
>>> + nthExpr <- substitute(...())[[n]]
>>> + eval(nthExpr, envir=parent.frame())
>>> + }
>>> > gn(stop("one"), environment(),
stop("two"), n=2)
>>> <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
>> Bill, the last of these doesn't quite work, because ... can be
>> down through a string of callers. You don't necessarily want to
>> evaluate it in the parent.frame(). For example:
>> x <- "global"
>> f <- function(...) {
>> x <- "f"
>> g(...)
>> }
>> g <- function(...) {
>> firstExpr <- substitute(...())[[1]]
>> c(list(...)[[1]], eval(firstExpr, envir = parent.frame()))
>> }
>> Calling g(x) correctly prints "global" twice, but calling
>> incorrectly prints
>> [1] "global" "f"
>> You can get the first element of ... without evaluating the rest using
>> ..1, but I don't know a way to do this for general n in pre-3.5.0
base R.
> Here's a way to do that:
> eval(as.name(paste0("..", n)))
> I was surprised this worked for n > 9, but it does. Looking at the
> I think the largest legal value for n is huge; you'd hit other limits
> before n was too big.
Maybe just get(paste0("..", n)) ?