Dear list, R-core, The documentation of stats::stl explicitly refers to the paper by Cleveland[1] to explain the parameters. However, the description is confusing, with two descriptions seeming to refer to the same parameter in the paper. s.window: [...] the loess window for seasonal extraction, which should be odd and at least 7, according to Cleveland et al --> The phrase 'odd and at least 7' refers to Cleveland's parameter n_(s), section 3.5 of [1]. Confusing: Cleveland calls this 'seasonal smoothing', not extraction. l.window: the span (in lags) of the loess window of the low-pass filter used for each subseries.[...] --> The description 'low-pass filter used for each subseries' also seems to correspond to Cleveland's parameter n_(s), in step two of the algorithm in the reference. (section 2.2 of [1]). Confusing: Cleveland does not apply a low-pass filter to each subseries[2]. The subseries are reconstructed to a single series and after that a low-pass filter is applied (step 3 of the algorithm in section 2.2 of [1]) So what should it be? A literal reference to Cleveland's n_(s), n_(l), and n_(t) would be really helpful here. Thank you, Best, Mark [1] [2] well, technically he does in step 2 of the algorithm, but it is not called a low-pass filter in the paper. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]