Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono
2016-Feb-13 16:31 UTC
[Rd] Show rapply(how="replace") as alternative to 'dendrapply' to change leaves?
A non-leaf dendrogram object in R is a list, possibly nested. In R-devel, rapply() preserves attributes on the list when how = "replace". So, the result of applying rapply(how = "replace") to such a dendrogram object is a dendrogram object. Usually, non-list components of such a dendrogram object are the leaves. So, rapply(how = "replace") can be used to change leaves only of such a dendrogram object. For such case, it is an alternative to 'dendrapply'. How about showing it in the documentation? In particular, in examples for 'dendrapply', creation of 'dL' can alternatively use something like the following. local({ colLabLeaf <<- function(n) { a <- attributes(n) i <<- i+1 attr(n, "nodePar") <- c(a$nodePar, list(lab.col = mycols[i], lab.font = i%%3)) n } mycols <- grDevices::rainbow(attr(dhc21,"members")) i <- 0 }) dL <- rapply(dhc21, colLabLeaf, how = "replace")