R devel - Jul 2015

Friday July 31 2015
12:18PM 0 equality testing, was all.equal....
Thursday July 30 2015
9:39AM 1 all.equal: possible mismatch between behaviour and documentation
Wednesday July 29 2015
9:33PM 1 Mapping parse tree elements to tokens
7:15PM 0 Mapping parse tree elements to tokens
7:06PM 2 Mapping parse tree elements to tokens
6:47PM 0 Mapping parse tree elements to tokens
6:30PM 3 Mapping parse tree elements to tokens
5:46PM 0 update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE): possible bug
4:55PM 2 update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE): possible bug
4:43PM 0 Mapping parse tree elements to tokens
4:13PM 2 Mapping parse tree elements to tokens
3:11PM 1 Installing/updating packages on a lab network
Tuesday July 28 2015
5:32PM 0 Installing/updating packages on a lab network
1:53PM 2 Installing/updating packages on a lab network
11:14AM 0 all.equal: possible mismatch between behaviour and documentation
10:58AM 2 all.equal: possible mismatch between behaviour and documentation
Monday July 27 2015
7:12PM 0 R package with Fortran module on Windows? undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'
6:06PM 2 R package with Fortran module on Windows? undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'
1:16PM 0 parallel performance inline code vs using function ?
Sunday July 26 2015
6:14PM 0 R-devel Digest, Vol 149, Issue 22
Friday July 24 2015
8:21PM 1 Memory limitations for parallel::mclapply
3:21PM 0 Rcartogram package - error message
Tuesday July 21 2015
12:16PM 0 ' --enable-R-shlib' problem when setting up R-devel in Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit
11:13AM 2 ' --enable-R-shlib' problem when setting up R-devel in Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit
5:15AM 0 ' --enable-R-shlib' problem when setting up R-devel in Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit
3:21AM 2 ' --enable-R-shlib' problem when setting up R-devel in Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit
Sunday July 19 2015
10:03AM 0 R-devel Digest, Vol 149, Issue 17
8:19AM 1 Building r-devel fails on Ubuntu (old and new as well)
8:01AM 0 Building r-devel fails on Ubuntu (old and new as well)
7:50AM 0 update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE): possible bug
7:42AM 2 Building r-devel fails on Ubuntu (old and new as well)
4:05AM 3 update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE): possible bug
Saturday July 18 2015
8:09AM 0 Use cairo fallback resolution greater than 72dpi in cairo_pdf and cairo_ps in grDevices
Friday July 17 2015
4:00PM 1 Improvements (?) in stats::poly and stats::polym.
Thursday July 16 2015
12:08PM 0 Building r-devel fails on Ubuntu (old and new as well)
11:18AM 2 Building r-devel fails on Ubuntu (old and new as well)
Wednesday July 15 2015
8:46PM 0 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
8:44PM 2 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
8:40PM 0 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
8:25PM 2 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
7:51PM 0 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
7:35PM 3 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
7:29PM 0 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
6:49PM 3 bquote/evalq behavior changed in R-3.2.1
11:44AM 1 add .emacs.desktop and .emacs.desktop.lock to files ignored by R CMD build?
1:29AM 1 Two bugs showing up mostly on SPARC systems
Tuesday July 14 2015
11:52PM 0 Two bugs showing up mostly on SPARC systems
10:08PM 3 Two bugs showing up mostly on SPARC systems
11:03AM 2 Use cairo fallback resolution greater than 72dpi in cairo_pdf and cairo_ps in grDevices
Sunday July 12 2015
10:54PM 0 suggestion: better support for https CRAN mirrors
9:15PM 2 suggestion: better support for https CRAN mirrors
8:32PM 0 Why no support for 3-digit HEX colours?
7:51PM 2 Why no support for 3-digit HEX colours?
Saturday July 11 2015
2:03AM 1 User Input
Friday July 10 2015
7:22PM 0 colour palettes in biplot
Thursday July 9 2015
5:33PM 0 R CMD build failure
5:26PM 4 R CMD build failure
2:44PM 1 Compiling on AIX 6.1
Wednesday July 8 2015
9:52PM 0 Graphical User Interface (GUI)
8:28PM 0 Graphical User Interface (GUI)
6:43PM 5 Graphical User Interface (GUI)
1:57PM 0 List S3 methods and defining packages
Tuesday July 7 2015
10:33PM 1 [ on call
7:01PM 0 List S3 methods and defining packages
10:58AM 2 dead links to manuals
9:05AM 3 List S3 methods and defining packages
Sunday July 5 2015
4:53PM 1 Are import-reexport-only packages allowed on CRAN?
Saturday July 4 2015
5:17PM 0 Support for transparency in metafile export & support for export to Powerpoint
Friday July 3 2015
4:36AM 1 Are downstream dependencies rebuilt when a package is updated on CRAN?
Wednesday July 1 2015
9:02AM 1 additional leap second
8:13AM 0 additional leap second
5:36AM 0 additional leap second
5:20AM 5 additional leap second