R devel - Dec 2014

Wednesday December 31 2014
9:06PM 1 Unexpected behavior of debug() in step-wise mode
Tuesday December 30 2014
11:08AM 2 call r function in c++ application
Thursday December 25 2014
8:49AM 0 how useful could be a fast and embedded database for the R community?
Wednesday December 24 2014
7:22PM 0 how useful could be a fast and embedded database for the R community?
6:49PM 6 how useful could be a fast and embedded database for the R community?
5:48PM 0 how useful could be a fast and embedded database for the R community?
2:00PM 0 Inconsistent Parse Behavior
Tuesday December 23 2014
5:31PM 2 how useful could be a fast and embedded database for the R community?
4:21PM 0 CRAN and ggplot2 geom and stat extensions
3:34PM 2 CRAN and ggplot2 geom and stat extensions
Sunday December 21 2014
12:41AM 0 loadNamespace and versionChecking and the otherpackage::otherfun syntax
Saturday December 20 2014
9:57PM 0 Unexplained difference between results of dppsv and dpotri LAPACK routines
9:06PM 2 Unexplained difference between results of dppsv and dpotri LAPACK routines
Friday December 19 2014
1:02PM 1 UTF8 markdown vignette
Thursday December 18 2014
8:44AM 0 segfault when trying to allocate a large vector
8:00AM 2 segfault when trying to allocate a large vector
5:17AM 0 UTF8 markdown vignette
Wednesday December 17 2014
3:39PM 0 vapply definition question
5:54AM 0 vapply definition question
4:20AM 2 vapply definition question
Monday December 15 2014
6:49PM 1 Making iconv portable?
6:37PM 0 Making iconv portable?
6:13PM 2 Making iconv portable?
5:57PM 0 Building R on Windows: mkdir of Rtools creates directories with read-only permissions [WEIRD]
5:21PM 0 Making iconv portable?
5:15PM 3 Making iconv portable?
11:25AM 0 Significant memory leak when using XML on Windows
11:12AM 3 Significant memory leak when using XML on Windows
4:07AM 1 Significant memory leak when using XML on Windows
3:54AM 0 Significant memory leak when using XML on Windows
3:04AM 1 R build failure under gcc 4.9's link time optimization
Friday December 12 2014
4:58PM 0 SUGGESTION: Force install.packages() to use ASCII encoding when parse():ing code?
12:34PM 2 SUGGESTION: Force install.packages() to use ASCII encoding when parse():ing code?
11:01AM 0 SUGGESTION: Force install.packages() to use ASCII encoding when parse():ing code?
9:12AM 5 SUGGESTION: Force install.packages() to use ASCII encoding when parse():ing code?
Thursday December 11 2014
8:13PM 3 Significant memory leak when using XML on Windows
6:47PM 0 SUGGESTION: Force install.packages() to use ASCII encoding when parse():ing code?
5:59PM 3 SUGGESTION: Force install.packages() to use ASCII encoding when parse():ing code?
2:00PM 0 Fwd: No source view when using gdb
1:00PM 2 Fwd: No source view when using gdb
12:53PM 0 package.skeleton leads to R CMD check aborting
Wednesday December 10 2014
12:19PM 2 UTF8 markdown vignette
10:34AM 0 R on the Cydia Store
3:36AM 0 UTF8 markdown vignette
12:31AM 2 R on the Cydia Store
Tuesday December 9 2014
11:39PM 0 R on the Cydia Store
10:49PM 2 R on the Cydia Store
9:42PM 3 UTF8 markdown vignette
9:38PM 0 UTF8 markdown vignette
9:34PM 0 R on the Cydia Store
9:26PM 2 R on the Cydia Store
5:18PM 0 UTF8 markdown vignette
4:44PM 0 R on the Cydia Store
4:13PM 4 UTF8 markdown vignette
2:38PM 3 R on the Cydia Store
1:05PM 0 UTF8 markdown vignette
10:19AM 2 UTF8 markdown vignette
10:04AM 0 UTF8 markdown vignette
9:48AM 2 UTF8 markdown vignette
Monday December 8 2014
9:12PM 1 CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
8:43PM 0 CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
8:38PM 2 CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
8:32PM 0 CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
2:40PM 2 CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
Saturday December 6 2014
2:17AM 1 R CMD check --as-cran and (a)spell checking
1:36AM 1 does parLapplyLB do load-balancing?
12:23AM 0 install.packages deletes PACKAGES file in local repo
Friday December 5 2014
4:24PM 2 Use of tools:::httpdPort in a package for CRAN.
3:45PM 2 install.packages deletes PACKAGES file in local repo
Thursday December 4 2014
7:37PM 1 \U with more than 4 digits returns the wrong character
7:24PM 0 \U with more than 4 digits returns the wrong character
7:00PM 4 \U with more than 4 digits returns the wrong character
2:24PM 0 we need an exists/get hybrid
Wednesday December 3 2014
9:30PM 2 we need an exists/get hybrid
8:48PM 0 we need an exists/get hybrid
7:40PM 0 Bundling system dependencies in binary packages
2:46AM 2 we need an exists/get hybrid
Tuesday December 2 2014
6:34PM 2 Bundling system dependencies in binary packages