I'd like to take a different approach to the old question of dataset variable labels. Support for their use in output is low. For example, among packages that provide tables of model estimates only 'stargazer' provides support for these labels (apologies if I missed support from aprstable, memisc, texreg, xtable). Part of the lack of support could be that variable labels are not handled automatically by the data.frame functions. Support has been added by subsequent packages but they differ in implementation. Hmisc and memisc attach the labels individually to the variables. Foreign and surveydata attach the labels all together to the dataframe. I thank those package authors for tackling this issue as R lags behind other software in this regard (Stata for example supports multiple sets of labels for different languages). This diversity, though, discourages other package writers from adding streamlined support for outputting variable labels. I think that R would benefit from more direct coordination on a preferred solution. If R developers wanted to limit features in the core, then everyone could just "coordinate" on one of the existing implementations that uses subclassing (and could add support in related packages like graphics). Another option mentioned on the mailing list is allowing in the R core certain attributes to be maintained across subsetting. What do others think? Would it be beneficial to coordinate on one way to store/maintain variable labels? Should this be via new support for maintaining attributes across subsetting? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]