Andre Mikulec
2013-Apr-14 03:17 UTC
[Rd] Compile R with a BLAS.dll and LAPACK.dll on windows?
Hi, I want to install my own windows BLAS.dll and LAPACK.dll within a compilation of R. I am following the instructions here. file:///F:/ProgramFiles/R/R-2.15.3/doc/manual/R-admin.html#Shared-BLAS If I had linux or a Mac OS, I understand that this is what I would need to run. configure --with-blas="-L/path/to/BLAS/libs -lblas" --with-lapack="-L/path/to/LAPACK/libs -llapack" I have my own compiled DLLs already ( I compiled them myself). ? But I have windows. I can't SEEM to run configure? Is there some other way? How could I compile my own BLAS.dll and LAPACK.dll into Windows? Thank you, Andre Mikulec Andre_Mikulec at