If it is only in the Suggests and you test for its existence before its
usage, it should be OK.
For old R versions my CRAN checks set the nvironment variable:
Uwe Ligges
On 15.12.2011 19:53, Roebuck,Paul L wrote:> How should the Suggests entry be written in this case?
> Have package that supports parallel processing available
> for multiple R versions. Original package DESCRIPTION
> Suggests entry only listed 'multicore' and life was good.
> Since R-2.14+ includes 'parallel' package, thought I could
> reference that on the Suggests entry too. But not so fast.
> As it doesn't exist for previous versions of R, how can I
> add this such that multiple R versions are supported? All
> older version R CMD checks fail attempting to load 'parallel';
> current R CMD checks complain if I leave it out of DESCRIPTION
> but require('parallel') within source itself.
> And although I'm pretty sure this isn't available, any syntax
> to imply 'either this or that' package? Or 'this package with
> R version'?
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