On 25.07.2011 17:45, Ben Bolker wrote:> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
> Hash: SHA1
> I recently suggested to someone (
> ) that the should use methods("plot") or
methods(class="function") to
> locate the documentation on the plot method for objects of class
> "function", but they pointed out that these don't actually
> I can't figure out why not: src/library/graphics/man/curve.Rd
> the line
> \method{plot}{function}(x, y = 0, to = 1, from = y, xlim = NULL, ylab >
NULL, \dots)
> and src/library/graphics/DESCRIPTION contains
you mean the following line is in NAMESPACE rather than DESCRIPTION.
> S3method(plot, "function")
> [presumably the extra quotes are in there because function is a
> reserved word?]
> I'm not sure where else the information should be. Searching around
> the code tree for information on tail.function (which is listed in the
> methods:
>> methods(class="function")
> [1] as.list.function head.function* print.function tail.function*
> I find the same S3method syntax, so I guess the quotation marks aren't
> the problem ...
tells us this one is from package "utils" and you can search for this
function in the sources of the utils package
Or you could ask for
> getAnywhere("tail.function")
and R tells you
A single object matching ?tail.function? was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for tail from namespace utils
Best wishes,
> Any ideas?
> Ben Bolker
>> sessionInfo()
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