Sorry, I was stupid:
MyRefObj <- setRefClass("Blabla", .)
One can always get the generator object of an defined class with
''getRefClass()''. So:
g <- getRefClass("Blabla")
x <- g$new(.)
Von: Janko Thyson []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. November 2010 00:27
An: ''r-devel@r-project. org''
Betreff: R5 reference classes: how to initialize exactly?
Dear List,
So far, I really like those new R5 classes. But what kind of puzzles me is
that it''s not just enough to define the actual reference class, I also
to assign it to an object (e.g. ''MyRefObj'') in order to fire
setClass("Blabla", .)
x <- new("Blabla")
MyRefObj <- setRefClass("Blabla", .)
x <- MyRefObj$new(.)
But then how do I define a reference class in a package that should be
available after the package is loaded via ''library(my_pkg)'' as
there is no
''MyRefObj'' at startup yet? Do I have to call the script where
the definition
Thanks for any comments,
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