Spencer Graves
2010-Sep-09 00:29 UTC
[Rd] Wiki entries on "package development process" and "software repository"
I hereby invite anyone to make or suggest improvements to the Wikipedia entries on "package development process" and "software repository". Parts of these entries were created by Sundar Dorai-Raj and me: We believe that the procedures of the R community in these areas provide positive examples that could be profitably considered for people writing and sharing work in other languages. I'm scheduled to speak about this next Tuesday to the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM; http://www.sfbayacm.org/?p=1962), but my interest in this extend beyond next Tuesday. I may later send a note to the "Communications of the ACM" referencing these entries and inviting further input. Your help with this would be greatly appreciated, because I don't know enough to talk authoritatively about "package development process" and "software repository" for languages other than R. If you know other people who might contribute perspectives for other languages, please feel free to forward this request to them. If you are a Wikipedian, feel free to change the entries directly. Otherwise, I'd be pleased to hear your comments, suggested improvements, etc., via email. Thanks, Spencer Graves
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