On 4/7/10 1:09 AM, Christophe Genolini wrote:> Hi all,
> I define a S4 class 'foo'. I define '[' and
'[<-' for it.
> I do not want to export foo, so I do not put it in NAMESPACE.
> I do not want to export '[' and '[<-' either (since the
user can not use
> foo, no raison to give him access to '[' for foo).
> But R CMD check does not agree with me and report an error:
> Undocumented S4 methods:
> generic '[' and siglist 'foo'
> generic '[<-' and siglist 'foo'
> Any solution ?
You can document these on an internal API Rd page. Create an Rd file
like yourPkg-internal-api.Rd and add the appropriate \alias{} lines to it.
+ seth
Seth Falcon | @sfalcon | http://userprimary.net/