Henrik Bengtsson
2010-Mar-17 15:34 UTC
[Rd] Suggestion: Move \alias{.conflicts.OK} to base/man/library.Rd instead.
Currently help.search(".conflicts.OK") gives: methods::.conflicts.OK Additional (Support) Functions for Methods However, help(".conflicts.OK", package="methods") provides no information on the term ".conflicts.OK". Check the R-devel SVN source code, this is only because there is an: \alias{.conflicts.OK} in the methods/man/MethodSupport.Rd file. Is this a leftover from old times? May I suggest to instead place that \alias() in base/man/library.Rd, where ".conflicts.OK" is discussed. (The other place it is discussed in ?attach). /Henrik PS. A better place to document it is probably in 'Writing R Extensions', which is intended for developers.