some time ago i communicated the same issue to sean, and i'm very glad he has improved the package -- thanks! i'm purposefully posting to r-devel rather than to bioconductor. i think that download.file could be improved to avoid this sort of spamming output seen previously with getGEO. currently, it prints dots (when it does) in 5 10-packs per line, line after line. instead, it could be repeatedly printing them on the same line, to give it a more progress bar-like look. the function putdots (src/modules/internet/internet.c:218) is responsible for printing the dots. after each 5x10 bunch of dots, it proceeds to the next line: if((i+1) % 50 == 0) REprintf("\n"); but it could instead just swipe the dots and start in the same line again: if((i+1) % 50 == 0) REprintf("\r%55s\r", ""); it's ad hoc, of course, and requires some other changes to prevent the progress bar from being rewritten too quickly, e.g., by replacing if(guess <= 0) putdots(&ndots, nbytes/1024); with if(guess <= 0) putdots(&ndots, nbytes/(100*1024)); in lines 427 and 532 in the same file. it's even more ad hoc, but on my machine it works just fine. i have no time to explore whether it generalises to other configurations. the attached patch was compiled and tested with no issues: svn diff src/modules/internet/internet.c > internet.diff svn revert src/modules/internet/internet.c patch -p0 < internet.diff make make check # fine vQ