On Mon, 3 Dec 2007, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> This is a bug, but not in R, it's in your program:
> On Dec 3, 2007, at 9:45 AM, I.J.Wilson at ncl.ac.uk wrote:
>> Full_Name: Ian Wilson
>> Version: 2.6.1
>> OS: linux
>> Submission from: (NULL) (
>> The problem is new to R2.6.?. The code works as expected in R-2.5.0.
> it still does in 2.6.x - but it depends on what you expect. You fail
> to terminate the strings, so you get trailing garbage - it just may
> have happened that by chance the trailing memory was zero in 2.5.
And there is another bug. What is passed in is 80 zero-length strings, so
in principle you cannot extend those strings (as only one byte is
allocated for each). It happens that R_alloc currently allocates 8 bytes
(because it rounds up to a multiple of 8) and so the example worked, but
you cannot rely on such implementation details.
The only valid change to an element of a character vector via the .C
interface is to replace it by a 'char *' of the same length or shorter.
.Call is needed for almost all real applications that alter character
>> I get the
>> problem with two different operating systems - an older redhat and
>> new ubuntu
>> and with both g++4.1 and g++3.4.
>> I have a problem with character data that is passed back from C++
>> code. A small
>> example is the following C++ code and R functions.
>> #include <sstream>
>> extern "C" {
>> void extracttxt( char **txt, int *nchars) {
>> std::ostringstream oss;
>> oss << "abcdefghij";
>> const char *ltxt=oss.str().c_str();
>> for (int j=0;j<*nchars;j++)
> As said above, you fail to terminate the string, you want to add
> something like:
> txt[j][1]=0;
> here.
> Cheers,
> Simon
>> }
>> }
>> # begin R code
>> dyn.load("test.so")
>> "testtxt" <- function() {
>> nchars <- 80
>> txt <- .C("extracttxt"
>> ,character(nchars)
>> ,as.integer(nchars))[[1]]
>> txt
>> }
>> a=testtxt()
>> a[1:10]
>> # typically the results are something like
>> [1] "a" "b\033\xba\bfaul\030"
>> [4] "d" "e"
>> [7] "g" "h"
>> [10] "j"
>> or
>> [1] "az#\b" "b"
"c" "d"
>> [5] "e" "f"
"g" "h"
>> [9] "i" "j1\xba\brese\030"
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595