Hello, 1. The following code (below) and output <varIdentOutput.txt> illustrate that argument fixed= in varIdent function is ignored during the execution. 2. File named <RevisedvarIdent.txt> shows how to fix the problem. The changed line in this file is labeled using comment " # !!! This line changed". Thank you Andrzej Galecki ### Code used for illustration starts here #### library(nlme) sessionInfo() Orth <- subset(Orthodont, Subject %in% c("M01","F01")) # Argument fixed in varIdent is ignored vf1.incorrect <- varIdent(form=~1|Sex,fixed=c(Female=0.5)) vf1I <- Initialize(vf1.incorrect, data=Orth) varWeights(vf1I) # Tentative varIdent function (revised) source("C:/temp/RevisedvarIdent.txt") vf2.correct <- varIdent(form=~1|Sex,fixed=c(Female=0.5)) vf2I <- Initialize(vf2.correct, data=Orth) coef(vf2I) varWeights(vf2I) # rm(varIdent) # Remove tentative varIdent function ### Code ends here ####