Kurt Hornik
2007-Apr-14 14:44 UTC
[Rd] CRAN packages with invalid maintainer email addresses
As part of the process for the upcoming release of 2.5.0, we recently contacted all maintainers of CRAN packages which give R CMD check warnings or errors for a current prerelease of R 2.5.0. Emails to the following addresses bounced: "Jens Henrik Badsberg" <JensHenrik.Badsberg at agrsci.dk> vito.muggeo at giustizia.it susanneheim at gmx.de ivisser at uva.nl beat.kaufmann at epfl.ch adinno at hsph.harvard.edu curran at stats.waikato.ac.nz ebarrios at wisc.edu j.schaber at web.de aas.claus.dethlefsen at nja.dk meaning that the packages BHH2 Bolstad CoCo LoopAnalyst depmix dynamicGraph giRaph mathgraph pheno riv segmented svcm are to be considered unmaintained. If you maintain one of these package, pls do provide an update fixing the problems indicated on http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/checkSummary.html, and provide a valid email address. If you know how to contact the respective maintainers, pls let me know. If we receive no new information regarding these packages/maintainers, we need to start orphaning these packages when 2.5.0 is released (Apr 24, 10 days from now). Thanks! -k