ripley at
2006-Jun-13 19:38 UTC
[Rd] format.POSIXlt drops characters following percent sign (PR#8976)
On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, jhallman at wrote:> Full_Name: Jeff Hallman > Version: 2.3.1 > OS: Windows > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > Internal(format.POSIXlt(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()), "%Y%m%d%q", F)) > Linux R-2.2.1 returns "20060613%q". > Windows R-2.3.1 returns "20060613" dropping the "%q".There is no such command as Internal: you seem to be mean .Internal but please use user-level functions.> The documentation says "Any character in the format string other that > the '%' escape sequences is interpreted literally". Since "%q" is > nowhere listed as an escape sequence, the Windows R-2.3.1 result appears > to be incorrect.What the help page actually says is (no typo): The details of the formats are system-specific, but the following are defined by the ISO C / POSIX standard for 'strftime' and are likely to be widely available. Any character in the format string other than the '%' escape sequences is interpreted literally (and '%%' gives '%'). The help page carefully does not say what *any* escape sequence does, nor what the escape sequences are: it merely indicates common behaviour. It seems you did not look up what the standards say, which is If a conversion specification does not correspond to any of the above, the behavior is undefined. And `undefined' is itself defined in the standards. The Windows documentation does not say what it does (nor does the glibc documentation), not even that it is system-specific. In fact the MSDN docs for strftime say Characters that do not begin with % are copied unchanged to strDest. (Make of that what you can.) Where standards are referred to, please do consult them. The kind people who develop R have even provided links to them at -- Brian D. Ripley, ripley at Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self) 1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA) Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595
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