>>>>> "ronggui" == ronggui <ronggui.huang at
>>>>> on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 19:27:04 +0800 writes:
ronggui> I think curve is one option. for example , I can
ronggui> use "curve(pnorm,-5,5)" to plot the normal cdf.
ronggui> use ?curve to get the usage.
Or Luck might mean the *empirical* cdf, and then
solves it; type
to see a few examples -- maybe after first saying
par(ask = TRUE)
Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
ronggui> 2006/4/27, Nongluck Klibbua
ronggui> <Nongluck.Klibbua at newcastle.edu.au>:
>> hi, I would like to know what is the function to plot
>> cdf. Thanks, Luck